You can perform the following statistical tests:
- Descriptive statistics
- Normality testing (Shapiro-Wilk test and D'Agostino omnibus test)
- Variance homogeneity testing (F-test, Absolute Levene test, Brown–Forsythe test, Bartlett's test and Squared Levene test
- Single sample t test
- Paired t test
- Unpaired t test
- Two-way ANOVA (with Tukey's and Dunnet's post-hoc tests)
- One-way ANOVA (with Tukey's and Dunnet's post-hoc tests)
- Single sample Wilcoxon signed-rank test
- Wilcoxon signed-rank test
- Mann–Whitney U test
- Friedman test (with Dunn's post-hoc test)
- Kruskal–Wallis H test (with Dunn's post-hoc test)
- Pearson correlation coefficient
- Linear regression
- Multiple linear regression
- Spearman's rank correlation coefficient
- McNemar test
- Chi square test (calculating the adjusted standardized residuals as a post-hoc test)
- Fisher's exact test
You can also perform sample size calculations, power analyses and predictions of minimum detectable changes; for the following statistical tests;
- Single sample (single mean) t test
- Paired t test
- Unpaired t test
- Single sample (single proportion) Z test
- Chi square test
- Fisher's exact test
- McNemar test
You can save your datasets, retrieve them at anytime and share them with your colleagues.
You can share your data/results between AnalyStat and other apps (e.g. Google Sheets, Microsoft Excel, ... etc) by just a simple copy/paste procedure.
The drawn graphs are sharable.
*** AnalyStat needs the permission to read and write data from and into phone storage, to enable you to save and share your datasets and graphs.
Anda boleh melakukan ujian statistik berikut:
- Statistik deskriptif
- Ujian Normality (ujian Shapiro-Wilk dan D'Agostino ujian omnibus)
- Varian ujian kehomogenan (F-ujian, ujian Absolute Levene, ujian Brown-Forsythe, menguji dan Bartlett ujian Squared Levene
- sampel Single ujian t
Ujian - t berpasangan
- berpasangan t ujian
- Dua hala ANOVA (dengan ujian post-hoc Tukey dan Dunnet ini)
- One-way ANOVA (dengan ujian post-hoc Tukey dan Dunnet ini)
- sampel Single Wilcoxon ujian pangkat-bertanda
- Wilcoxon ujian pangkat-bertanda
- ujian Mann-Whitney U
- ujian Friedman (dengan ujian post-hoc Dunn)
- ujian Kruskal-Wallis H (dengan ujian post-hoc Dunn)
- pekali korelasi Pearson
- regresi linear
- regresi linear berganda
- pangkat pekali korelasi Spearman yang
- ujian McNemar
- Chi ujian persegi (mengira sisa standard diselaraskan sebagai ujian post-hoc)
- ujian tepat Fisher
Anda juga boleh melakukan pengiraan saiz sampel, analisis kuasa dan ramalan perubahan dikesan minimum; untuk ujian statistik berikut;
- sampel Single (min tunggal) ujian t
Ujian - t berpasangan
- berpasangan t ujian
- sampel Single (bahagian satu) ujian Z
- Chi ujian persegi
- ujian tepat Fisher
- ujian McNemar
Anda boleh menyimpan set data anda, mendapatkan semula mereka pada bila-bila masa dan berkongsi dengan rakan-rakan anda.
Anda boleh berkongsi data / keputusan anda antara AnalyStat dan aplikasi lain (mis Helaian Google, Microsoft Excel, ... dan lain-lain) dengan hanya satu prosedur copy / paste mudah.
Graf dilukis adalah sharable.
*** AnalyStat memerlukan kebenaran untuk membaca dan menulis data dari dan ke dalam simpanan telefon, untuk membolehkan anda menyimpan dan berkongsi set data dan graf anda.